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PayPal, Venmo, Debit/Credit Cards(+2.75% fee), Cash (preferred) when paying on-site.

Proper number are now required for all CalClub RallyCross events; Practice, Night Session, and Championships. Magnetic numbers will be for sale on site. Tape may still be used but please make sure the tape contrast on the the vehicle’s paint and the number is at least 8″ tall.

Magnetic number plates will be available for purchase for $15/set. The background is white and the digit is black. It is recommended that you still tape the border of the plate onto the car as the plate is thin.

Double driver vehicles are required to register with a 4 digit number using only these numbers: 0 1 6 8 9. When switching drivers, simply flip the magnetic number 180degrees.
Driver1 = 8069
Driver2 = 9608

Individual numbers, swap first/last digit
Driver1 = 8069
Driver2 = 9806

If you’re pre-registering with your reserved number, please make sure you are logged into the account that is associated with the email you used to reserve your 2019 number.

Saturday is a RallyCross practice event. Come test out your car, the surface or yourself.

If you plan on racing the night rallycross on Saturday, you are required to register and practice for Saturday’s day time event.

Pre-registration includes 2 free practice laps!

Saturday (Practice) Fees:
$10 per lap
$45 for 5 laps
$100 for 13 laps

As of 12/11/2018: A total of 3 loaner helmets will be available for use. Loaner helmets are reserved for drivers; passengers may use a loaner helmet once all drivers in the run group have a helmet. A driver’s license or identification card is required to use the loaner helmet

SA2005/M2005 and newer helmets are required per SCCA rules. DOT approved helmets without the SA2005/M2005 certification are not valid for competition use.

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/381571662649713/
Instagram: @calclubrallyx


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